Girl on train is soulmate in fellow passenger's imagination - Mustard comedy magazine
Girl on train is soulmate in fellow passenger's imagination

Girl on train is soulmate in fellow passenger's imagination

An attractive girl on the westbound overground tube last night was imagined by a fellow traveller to be his perfect match

Having noticed the striking young woman sitting opposite him, passenger Milton Hence (28) pictured her as his perfect partner, sharing romantic candlelit dinners together and discussing the novels of Paul Auster long into the night.

Extrapolating wildly from her slightly indie clothes and the top of a book protruding from her bag, Hence imagined them attending retrospectives of the early films of Terry Gilliam and bonding over a shared love of short-lived science fiction series Firefly.

But in reality, the girl, 27-year-old administrative assistant Stacie Putnam, was reading a Sex and the City novelisation, had switched over in disinterest after 10 minutes of Time Bandits, and had often declared that all science fiction was "stupid". Fortunately, the fragile bubble of Hence's daydream was left unpricked, as he failed to make any contact with Putnam during their 15-minute shared journey, abandoning his plan to hand her the doodle he had drawn in his notebook in case it "came across a bit stalkery".

Indeed, when the girl at one point made eye contact with Hence and smiled, he blushed and quickly looked down at his feet.

Miss Putnam was the third girl to be incorrectly imagined as a perfect match by Hence that year, following 'cute girl reading The Independent' who sat next to him in a coffee shop in early February (her engagement ring went unnoticed) and 'red-haired girl in Watchmen T-shirt' who passed him in the street in April (she thought it was an acid house logo).

Hence remains single.

~ A.M.


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