Sea Junkies - Mustard comedy magazine

Sea Junkies


Sea Junkies
Ever dreamt of having REAL LIFE DRUGGIES in your own home?

These FROLICSOME INSTANT USERS can be yours by return of mail!

You'll GASP WITH AMAZEMENT as dozens of
ADORABLE SEA JUNKIES come to life in front of your very eyes!


1/ Simply drop your super Sea Junkie eggs into ordinary tap water.
They'll hatch instantly and begin to frolic happily.

2/ Tip in a packet of our Special Magic Formula and watch them descend into a spiral of crime and addiction!

Each KIT includes

* 1 Sea Junkie tank complete with miniature squat and street corner for drug dealing and prostitution

* 1 Packet of special Class A Magic Formula (not for human consumption)

* Some tiny spoons

No long-term commitment!

Sea Junkies' life expectancy is guaranteed less than a month
– just like the real thing!

~ A.B.


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The Complete Mustard

Mustard comedy magazine compendium
Mustard comedy magazine

Get the Mustard  Compendium: 
PDF  ·  Paperback

The complete 336-page collection of all 9¼ issues,
featuring new and updated funny stuff, plus expanded interviews.


Myth Management

Out now: Mustard's first spin-off novel

Myth Management: a Young Adult Urban Fantasy novel by Alex Musson
Myth Management: a Young Adult Urban Fantasy novel by Alex Musson

Paperback  £8.99  ·

Kindle  £2.99  ·