Your Mum's Friend: Hairstyling for Children - Mustard comedy magazine
Your Mum's Friend: Hairstyling for Children

Your Mum's Friend:
Hairstyling for Children

* Hair cut while you gossip
* Specialist in all unfashionable styles
* Guaranteed no training for that authentic 'schoolyard' look
* Weird sexual tension at no extra cost

~ A.B.


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The Complete Mustard

Mustard comedy magazine compendium
Mustard comedy magazine

Get the Mustard  Compendium: 
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The complete 336-page collection of all 9¼ issues,
featuring new and updated funny stuff, plus expanded interviews.


Myth Management

Out now: Mustard's first spin-off novel

Myth Management: a Young Adult Urban Fantasy novel by Alex Musson
Myth Management: a Young Adult Urban Fantasy novel by Alex Musson

Paperback  £8.99  ·

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